These rubber seals go on top of the door jamb striker area on your vehicle. The U shaped seal screws on and sits on the ledge where the rear quarter glass rolls down.
Quarter window U-jamb seals with steel…
Best Quality Reproduction Quarter Window Seals Fits Between Door Glass And Quarter Window Glass Metal Insert As Original Left And Right Pair Fits 2nd Gen 2-Door Chevelle Coupes & Convertibles The quarter window vertical seals are a…
Best Quality Reproduction Quarter Window Seals
Fits Between Door Glass And Quarter Window Glass
No Metal Insert
Left And Right Pair
Fits Coupe Or Convertible
This reproduction Chevelle quarter window…
Quarter window glass vertical seals with steel inserts as original. High grade rubber compound. Plated steel spine fully embedded. Exact appearance. None finer available at any price. Molded RH and LH with steel inserts as original. Pair…
Best Quality Reproduction Quarter Window Seals Fits Between Door Glass And Quarter Window Glass Left And Right Pair Fits Coupe 1964 & 1965 This reproduction Chevelle quarter window vertical seals for your Chevelle 2 Door Coupe is the…
General Motors first generation pony cars (the Chevrolet Camaro and Pontiac Firebird) gave auto enthusiasts a pleasing shape of performance that continues to be idolized to this day. Conforming to the quarter glass on the 1967-1969 GM…
Replace your dried-out or cracked rubber with a proven product that’s accepted in the industry. Made from the OEM specs to install and fit for an authentic appearance. Quarter window U-Jamb seals mount to the rear side window, they are…
This vertical strip installs directly into the quarter window chrome of your vehicle to seal out dirt and debris as well as eliminate the disturbance of wind whistle. Each molded rubber insert is an identical reproduction of original…