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Reproductions Of Original
Helps Stop Radio Interference
4-Piece Set
Reproduction Of Original These Chevelle reproduction plug wire retainers have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly…
Stock Replacement Snaps Onto Stock Small Black Valve Cover This stock replacement spark plug wire retainer is manufactured by GM or by one of its authorized suppliers for use as a factory replacement part. You will find the fit, finish and…
Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. This seventeen-piece kit includes hex bolt conical spring washer assemblies and hex washer sheet metal…
Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. This three-piece kit includes hexagon screw and split washer assembly, hex washers and fine pitch sheet…
Reproduction Of Original Protects Wires From Heat Damage These El Camino reproduction spark plug heat shields have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit…
Replacements Of Original 4-Piece Set Rubber Coated For Big Block Engines A new spark plug wire retainer can keep you and your 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, or 1972 Chevelle from sitting on the side of the road with a burned up…
FIRST TIME AVAILABLE! High quality reproduction two slot plug wire retainer as original (later replacements are 3 slot) Authentic reproduction set includes set of four retainers, stamped letters "AR", silver cad plated with black coated…
Reproduction Of Original For Use With 283 Motors Mounts On Rear Of Block This El Camino reproduction spark plug wire retainer has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will…
Reproduction Of Original Two-Wire-Left Or Right Correct For 283 Motors Mounts On Oil Pan Bolt This El Camino reproduction spark plug wire retainer has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing…
Reproduction Of Original For Use With 283 Motors Fits Left Or Right Side Mounts On Heat Shield Bolt This El Camino reproduction spark plug wire retainer has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern…